California Takes Action Against Trump ESA Rollbacks Restore the Delta response

For Immediate Release: 11/21/19
Contact: Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Restore the Delta 209-479-2053, 

Stockton, CA – The State of California announced two actions today that will impact protections of California’s endangered species.

The Department of Water Resources issued draft Environmental Impact Report today on the operation of the State Water Project.

Agencies also announced intention to sue the federal government over the Trump Administration’s recent biological opinion that would increase the flow of water from federal water projects the SF Bay-Delta to corporate agriculture interests, despite impacts on endangered species like salmon.

Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, executive director of Restore the Delta said:

“We are happy to hear that the California Natural Resources Agency has determined that operating rules for the Federal water project are not scientifically adequate and that the state will be pursuing litigation against the Trump administration.  

“We thank Governor Newsom, Secretary Crowfoot and Secretary Blumenfield for taking our concerns seriously. As always we will read newly released documents by the state for the State Water project with a critical eye on behalf of the estuary and Delta communities. We will see if they meet protective standards. We will then turn our critical eye towards future evaluation of the voluntary agreements as well. We will share our future findings.”

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