RTD Update: Taking Care of Business Edition

It has been another busy day at Restore the Delta.

These days, we are spending more time weighing in on processes that protect the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary than we are pushing a public message. 

That’s because we are in the let’s-get-stuff-done phase of our work. But that doesn’t mean our followers shouldn’t be aware of our efforts.  

Here are some recent RTD actions:

We have been advocating with Delta agricultural and fishing groups for passage of SB 1 — to protect Delta fisheries.

We have joined comments created by our coalition partners for federal and state protection of Delta tributaries and waterways.

We have written comments about the linkages between climate change impacts to the Delta and the linkage to local groundwater sustainability planning as part water quality protection for local communities, especially environmental justice communities. 

These comment letters are full of details, so geek out as much as you like!

Let us know if you have any questions. 

– Barbara

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