The last of the Resolutions of Necessity for awhile

At this week’s California Water Commission (CWC) meeting, the Commission voted to revise twenty-one previously approved Resolutions of Necessity to incorporate new language regarding Quitclaims and Hazardous Waste Testing to make them consistent with resolutions approved since February 15, 2012. That’s what happens when you hurry.

There were only three Resolutions of Necessity proposed for adoption at the 3/21/12 hearing, which were all holdovers from previous hearings. The discussion included additional frustration from landowners on DWR’s unwillingness to move drill locations to more satisfactory and less disruptive locations or to indemnify property owners.  DWR once again appeared to be ill-informed about exact locations and contradictory to landowner’s representations regarding discussions and appropriateness of alternative sights.  

However, the Commission did not let any unresolved issues, vague property descriptions, or incorrect information on the sites they were condemning stop them from approving Resolutions.  

No new properties were proposed for condemnation, so we seem to be through with Resolutions of Necessity for the time being.

DWR previously stated their intent to have the geo-drilling begin May 1st, but that will only happen if the courts have approved the Resolutions by then.

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