In Stark Contrast

Thank you to the hundreds of Restore the Delta supporters who attended our Art, Wine, and Edible Delight event this past Saturday.  Michael Prietti and Pat Livingston’s  photography, the Americana music of Mom’s Chili Boys, the fabulous Delta wines from Heringer, Carvalho, and Solomon Wineries, and the great spread from Husick’s Catering, the Monterey Fish Market, Golden State Fruit, and Kobasic’s Candies remind us all why we are so proud of our home.  The Delta is a place of a true community, splendid creativity, wonderful wine, and real local food.

This is why the Delta must be preserved and protected.  It already is a model of a strong local economy, sustainable agriculture, unsurpassable recreation, and world class fishing.  Preserving the Delta is about protecting our food security, our homes, our fisheries, and our way of life.


This is why improving the Delta, by permanently reducing water exports, upgrading levees, creating habitat in ways that enhance and protect local agriculture, and enhancing local governance, is so vitally important for our future.

Let the doomsingers wallow in their gloom.  What they don’t understand is that the Delta holds the blueprint for building a sustainable American future.

This is why the Delta is worth fighting for.  And this is what the Delta community is rallying to do!

To learn more about a sustainable Delta future and to give input to a potential local Delta Plan, come to Restore the Delta’s Community Meeting on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 from 6:30 to 8 pm.  Dr. Robert Pyke will present his vision for the Delta’s sustainable future.  This event is free and open to Restore the Delta members, friends of Restore the Delta, local Delta government officials, the press, and interested Delta community residents and business leaders.  It will be held at The Reserve at Spanos Park, 6301 W. Eight Mile Rd., Stockton, CA  95219.

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