Communicating with Others

Restore the Delta has been asked by several supporters whether it was worth their time to participate in the dialogues on California Water and the Delta being held in the five Delta counties. RTD did not jump on covering these events as we have been stretched a bit over the last several months.

Debbie Davis with the Environmental Justice Coalition for Water did attend one West Sacramento event a week ago. It seems that as with the Delta Stewardship Council survey, these events have a predetermined frame.

Debbie’s report follows:

There are water dialogues going on in all five of the Delta Counties. The dialogues are being hosted at public libraries by The Center for the Book, The California Water Education Foundation, the California State Library, and the California National Issues Forums Network. The outcomes from these dialogues will be transmitted to lawmakers in an effort to let them know what constituents are thinking about water.

Everyone who cares about California water, and the Delta in particular, should attend.

And, don’t hesitate to challenge the approach and the materials. The dialogues are set up around three approaches and participants are asked to share their thoughts about each one. Unfortunately, the approaches are set up according to the existing fractures in the water community as opposed to being set up in a constructive way to look for new approaches and common ground.

Please consider attending the water dialogue near you. Make sure that your voice is heard and that lawmakers get a clear and balanced view of what Delta residents think about water. There are two water dialogues on August 28th. One in West Sacramento and one in Stockton. Contact Jodi Cassell for more information at

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