Two important ways to fight the tunnels if you can’t attend the MWD Vote!

There are a few things you can do to voice your opposition to MWD’s intention to approve funding for the tunnels:

1. Submit a written comment to the MWD Office of the Board of Directors via email voicing your opposition to the phased tunnels project. Be sure to CC the MWD Executive Office and you MUST request that your comment be read into the record of the April 10, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting at 12pm.

Executive Office, Office of the General Manager:
Office of the Board of Directors:

2. Call the Office of Los Angeles Mayor, Eric Garcetti. Please thank him for publicly taking a stand against the twin tunnels and ask him to take action to stop the $11 billion phased tunnels—a 6,000 cfs single tunnel project until funding for a second tunnel is secured at a later, undetermined date. The Office of Mayor Garcetti staffers will tally the calls they receive and report that number. If Mayor Garcetti takes a stand against a single tunnel, his influence could stop the project. Here’s how to contact his office:

• Call 888-793-4597
• Tell Mayor Garcetti’s office:

“Mayor Garcetti is a deciding voice on the disastrous tunnel proposal, and I am calling to urge him to do everything in his power to stop the latest version of this corporate water heist. As a resident of California, I know that Mayor Garcetti has ambitions to run for higher office, and this is his opportunity to show that he’s willing to fight for California against the greed of corporate interests.

“If residents are forced to pay billions for this project, our cities won’t be able to make local investments capable of producing new and reliable water sources for future generations of Californians.”’

Those who cannot attend but wish to watch the press conference organized by Food and Water Watch California, Sierra Club California, S.E.E., and Southern CA Watershed Alliance can watch live at 11AM on the Food and Water Watch Facebook page.

Those wishing to watch the MWD board vote online are encouraged to tune in to MWD’s livestream at 12PM.

If you have friends, family, or colleagues that will be in Los Angeles on April 10 who would be interested in attending the press conference and MWD board vote, please direct them to our action alert.

We thank you for your continued activism and support throughout this fight against the tunnels.

Yours in Service,

Restore the Delta

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